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Fundraising supports Cope Foundation by raising money for person-centred projects and supports. 

Fundraisers support Cope Foundation by raising money.

Cope Foundation is a registered charity. Fundraising is a really important part of our work.

The money raised through fundraising enables Cope Foundation to make improvements and develop person-centred services and supports.

You can support Cope Foundation in many ways.

As an individual.

At work with your colleagues.

At school or college with your classmates.

At your club with your club mates or as part of your local community group.

If you would like to learn how you can fundraise for Cope Foundation, please get in touch with Elaine Murphy, Community Fundraiser.  

Phone Elaine on 021 4643323

Email murphye2@cope-foundation.ie

Cope Foundation is a member of The Wheel and agrees to ICTR's Statement of Principles for Fundraising.

Phone Elaine on 021 4643323

How to donate

There are many ways you can make a donation to Cope Foundation.

Tax Efficient Giving

Tax Efficient Giving is when you make a donation to Cope Foundation and we can claim back the tax that you have paid on your donation.

Where Fundraising money goes

How money from donations is spent in Cope Foundation.