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Creative Inclusion in Adult Education CIAE

We are very proud of our involvement in the recent Erasmus + funded European project, Creative Inclusion in Adult Arts Education (CIAE). Members of Cope Foundation lead this project that brought together organisations from across Europe. The issue that brought the organisations together was the lack of availability of information on the inclusion of people with disabilities in Adult Arts Education. In 2006, the U.N. published the Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability (UNCRPD), articles 8 and 24 of the convention recognised that every person must be empowered to participate in society and live life to their fullest potential. 

Project website: www.inclusivearts.eu


Ireland -  Cope Foundation and CIT

Belgium - EASPD and ENCC

France - L'ADAPT

Italy - Scuolo Viva Onlus